Where, Oh Where Has the Summer Gone?...

...Where, Oh Where Can It Be?

I feel like this summer is going by at neck-breaking speed.

I confess that I've hardly had time to think about blogging recently. While I miss communicating with family and friends and reading your comments, I have to admit that our blog has been pretty low on our list of priorities lately.

While that might sound mean, it's place in our lives has probably fallen to where it should have been all along.

God has a way of realigning our priorities when life gets busier and requires more time and attention. Not that we won't continue to write and share tidbits of our lives with you, but please understand that if from time to time we seem absent, it is only because life has once again presented us with an opportunity to grow through new situations and trials.

Thank you so much for being understanding and for caring enough to read our little blog. We hope that somewhere in our rambling you will see our desire to live lives worthy of the calling of Christ and that something you read here will encourage you to seek a closer relationship with our gracious God.

Running the Race,
Tim, Allyson, Emahry, & Jonathan

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Tim, Allyson and kids