Endless Gifts

Daily I'm surrounded by wonderful gifts from God, yet many days I choose to see the disappointments instead of the blessings.

Today I choose to be a cheerful recipient, a joy finder, a gift counter.

#1. That my husband, Tim, is strong enough to make tough decisions and lead our family through difficult times...

...but gentle enough to rock and cuddle a newborn and read countless books to our children.

#2. The safe and healthy birth of our newest addition, Eliya.

#3. My wonderful birth coach, Tim. I couldn't have done it without you, honey.

#4. A midwife and nurse who helped make the experience almost enjoyable.

#5. Having my sister nearby to watch Emahry and Jonathan while I was in labor.

#6. Being able to return home, to my family and my own bed, only six hours after Eliya was born.

#7. Friends who passed on a car seat their little girl had outgrown so we didn't have to purchase one.

#8. Delicious taco soup and a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies delivered by a friend.

#9. A beautiful and cozy knit snuggle sack made by our neighbor.

#10. Children who adore their baby sister.

#11. Capturing a yawn.

#12. Tim getting up with Jonathan throughout the night, without complaint, so I can get a little more rest.

#13. The view from my pillow after a much needed nap.

holy experience

Also Contributed To: Gratituesday, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday


  1. Beautiful words! And lovely pictures, too.

  2. what a wonderful post to be thankful for

  3. What a sweet sweet post. Thanks for sharing! It really puts things in perspective.

  4. Totally unrelated comment. You mentioned on my blog about making the same lunch every day. What is it? Lunchtime can be pretty hectic around here!

  5. What a beautiful post, Allyson. I am so thankful to be here with you!

  6. Wow so I just did a google search on how to make a blog button with the code and your post about that came up and so I clicked on it..and I'm so glad that I did!!

    Your blog is fantastic!! And it makes me so happy that your post is the second link to come up in google when that is typed in. They will come to your blog to learn how to do that and you can then be a witness of Christ to them. That's awesome!!!!

    Anyone just wanted to say that I love your blog and I am so happy that I googled how to do that! Maybe it was providential ;)

    I hope you have a great day and keep up the awesome work with this blog and being a witness in this world!!

    And I love this post! So often we focus on the baad things that happen and not all the wonderful blessings that God gives us each day!!
    -Jami @Intentionally Living...

  7. You are so blessed! And yet, this time of new-baby-ness can be overwhelming at times...and probably more so with those of you whose babies are spaced closer together. Lean on His grace, allow yourself grace to not get it all done, and enjoy the moments.

  8. The view from your pillow certainly is precious!!!

  9. Simply precious. Makes my arms ache for another newborn!

  10. To see those precious tiny fingers, the nose, the ... all made by our God.
    Thank you for joining this wonderful Gratitude Community. We all have so much to be thankful for ... it is opening our eyes and hearts to see it all.
    Praise God for your family.
    ~ linda

  11. Congratulations! Beautiful baby, beautiful family. :)


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Tim, Allyson and kids