Three's Company

"Three Under Three"

Any advice from seasoned pros? If so, please stop lurking and leave us a comment☺

Head over to 5 Minutes for Mom for more Wordless Wednesday posts.


  1. Your children are just beautiful! I had three just under four and three in diapers all at the same time so I know how hard and how wonderful it can be. You will hear this over and over again, but it is true. Stop everything and hold and rock all your babies. Love on them and let the rest go. Really. Hard to do, but it is what you need to do. And they really need you right now. Mine are 11, 10, 8, and 3 so I am a little ahead of you in age and I know. You will never get this time back. Enjoy it!

  2. This is a great link:

  3. OMGoodness!! So precious. Makes me miss mine being so little :(

    They are beautiful.

  4. Your children are beautiful. may god bless them. I also have 3 young children, and all i can say is to cherish every waking moment, and even when they are sleeping, and you go into check to make sure they are okay, you will remember those memories forever! :) congrats on the new baby. :)

  5. I have twins that just turned two and a 3 week old- it's hard! G'luck!

  6. Allyson! That is an absolutely gorgeous and precious photo. Kiss them all for me :)

  7. You are a braver person than I am! When my #3 arrives we will have 3 four and under. Maybe you have advice that I need! What a sweet picture.


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Tim, Allyson and kids