God's Promises for Girls by Jack Countryman & Amy Parker

"God's love was, is, and will always be
As it's been throughout the ages-
It is perfect and lasts forever;
God's true love never changes."

God's Promises for Girls is a beautifully written and illustrated devotional and gift book for little girls. Each two-page layout is designed to teach and remind little girls of God's promise to be present and active in their life if they choose to follow him. Every topic includes a simply but meaningful poem, a bright and beautiful illustration and Bible verses that offer comfort and encouragement. These lessons can help teach children that the answers they need can be found in God's word.

We received this book yesterday and have been enjoying it since. Both of our older children (ages 3 and 20 months) have enjoyed listening to the poems and scriptures. They also really enjoy the illustrations which are colorful, cheery and detailed. The verses in this book are taken from the International Children's Bible and appear to be very well adapted to the vocabulary and understanding of children. We typically like our children to hear the Bible read in the same translation we read (either NIV, or ESV), however of the verses we have compared from the book, we are comfortable with our children learning them from the ICB. This book would make a great addition to any little girl's bookshelf.

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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Tim, Allyson and kids