Endless Gifts

Daily I'm surrounded by wonderful gifts from God, yet many times I choose to see the disappointments instead of the blessings.

Today I choose to be a cheerful recipient, a joy finder, a gift counter.

#134. Smiles. Especially first smiles.

#135. Tim's job at Dollywood.

#136. All the attractions we're able to visit for free because Tim works at Dollywood. They really make great free family nights and date nights!

#137. Stain free diapers, thanks to the sun's bleaching power.

#138. Remembering that when I am penetrated by the Son I'm also made white as snow.

#139. A new pizza recipe that mimics our favorite Papa Murphy's take and bake.

#140. An adorable new diaper cover for Jonathan from Cheeky Diapers. Yes, that is sushi!

#141. The blessing of new life here and here. (Don't worry Maw, I'm not pregnant again...yet.)

#142. A newly found blog that inspires me every time I read.

#143. Sprouting sunflower seeds.

#144. Birthday candles for our first born. (Poor girl went to the doctor for her first ear infection on her birthday.)

#145. Grilled dinners. Tim cooks and the kitchen stays cool and clean :)

#146. The chance to try Charlie's Soap Laundry Powder and All Purpose Cleaner. (keep an eye out for a review & giveaway soon)

#147. Labels that make me laugh, "Cleans everyting from false teeth to diesel engines!" (cracks me up)

#148. Discovering the idea of homeschool workboxes. (Duh, why didn't I think of that?)

#149. Tim is done with school for the summer!

#150. Remembering that God carries us when we fall short as parents and when we simply have no idea what we are doing.

#151. Having a husband to lean on when I feel like a failure as a mama.

#152. Being reminded that "this too shall pass."

#153. Jonathan continuing to tell us when he needs to go potty several times each day.

#154. Small hands reaching for mine.

#155. A little voice whispering a prayer for Daddy.

#156. A baby that likes to sleep in.

#157. A camera to capture all of these fleeting moments.

#158. The easy accessibility and low cost of toothbrushes when Jonathan drops another one into the toilet. (The fourth this month, you think I would have learned by now!)

Please leave a comment telling us what you are thankful for today.

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday

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  1. Great list!
    Lovely pictures!
    I can't wait to try your pizza recipe!

  2. It *is* a great list. Spoken like a woman who needs to keep a positive attitude! Well done. :)

  3. Delightful to meet you and share in your thankfulness today. Simply beautiful, simply today. Wrapped in sushi diapers nonetheless.

    Hope you don't mind if I splash around a bit to get to know you.

    New to the gratitude community,


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Tim, Allyson and kids