Endless Gifts


#322. Delicious new recipes that the whole family loves.

#323. Days with longer sunshine.

#324. Swings.

#325. First carousel rides.

#326. An entire household with no sickness!

#327. A small 50 cent guitar that the two oldest LOVE.

#328. New umbrellas for warm spring rains.

#329. Little girls dancing.

What are you thankful for today?

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday
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  1. Ahhhh. it was you. I finally return to the source. I've been searching and saving fabulous recipes for awhile now, and i got the link here! :) Thank you. Awesome stuff. I can't wait to have that Chicken Taquito, like TODAY! :)

    To another super Blessed week!
    In Him.

  2. They are ADORABLE!!!! Oh my goodneess! What cutie pies! :)

    I have some free Easter / "He Is Risen" blog buttons if you would like one to display on your blog during Holy Week! They are on my blog and free to anyone who would like one. :-)

    Celebrating His resurrection,

  3. I love your list!! I'm thankful for so many things... my cute dog who seems to be feeling better... the beautiful flowers that seem to be everywhere....my daughter with her busy schedule that keeps me hopping--I'm thankful that she has a busy schedule and can handle it!

    Love your site! Keep up the good work!

  4. I love those pictures! Especially of Eliya on the carosel :)) I am thankful for so many things! Right now particularly Easter break so that I can catch up on sleep, studying, and calling family and friends from home.

  5. I enjoyed your list and your photos. I hope you have a wonderful week.


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Tim, Allyson and kids