Flats and Handwashing Challenge

Our family is excited about participating the the upcoming Flats and Handwashing Challenge organized by Kim at Dirty Diaper Laundry. 


Kim was very concerned, as we are, about the recent stories of low income families choosing to reuse disposable diapers so they could purchase food for their families. There have been cases where babies have developed dangerous infections due to being left in a disposable diaper too long or being placed in a used disposable diaper.

This challenge was started to raise awareness of the extremely frugal option of flat diapers. The hand washing aspect is to show that even families who do not own a washer and dryer can successfully cloth diaper their babies for very little upfront cost.

We are participating in this challenge so that we can help spread the word about how inexpensive cloth diapering can be, even for those who do not own a washer and dryer.

I also have to admit that I am a little excited about hand washing diapers for a week. Call me weird, but it's bringing out my Laura Ingalls side. (I'm sure that would not be the case if I was attempting to wash all of our laundry for a week, but a bucket of flats and covers each day is much more manageable.)

Tim has already agreed to make me a basic camp style bucket washer to use during this challenge. I'm super excited, though not quite excited enough to attempt washing all of laundry this way.

We are pleased to introduce you to our three sponsors for this event, Baby Belle BottomsSwaddlebees and Baby Bunz & Co.

Baby Belle Bottoms
  Baby Bunz & Co
Each of these great companies will be providing our family with flat diapers in order to participate in this challenge. They will also be offering a giveaway to our readers during the week of the challenge, May 23-30.

We are looking for one more sponsor for this challenge who is willing to send our family a set of flats to use for this challenge and also offer a set to our readers as a giveaway prize. If you are interested please leave a comment or email us.

Visit Dirty Diaper Laundry to see who else is taking the Flats & Handwashing Challenge.

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  1. Another option is infant potty training

  2. @Corrie,

    We have actually taken this approach with our children. Our first was out of diapers almost exclusively from 8 months on. However, we've been much more relaxed with the younger two (3 babies in 3 years will do that to you).

    Even with our relaxed potty training we rarely have to change a poopy diaper. Our middle child is completely potty trained during the day and our youngest crawls to the bathroom and grunts when she needs to poo.

    We are big fans of infant potty training and will continue to use this method with our next baby.

  3. What a great idea! I think a big problem though, is that even though the upfront cost may seem little to you or I, these fees are too much for someone to take on at one time, which is why 5.00 for a pack of disposables is okay, but even that takes all that they have.

    I wish hospitals would give families at least 10 of them instead of all the diapers that they do (or give an option)!

  4. Michelle,

    It's true, $20 may be a huge stretch for low income families. However, it is not a huge stretch for most of us and if we know how to help equip low income families many of us could easily set up this type of cloth diaper stash for at least one family.

    that's one of the reasons I'm so excited about this challenge. If I learn how to use flats and hand wash them I can share that information with others who may need to cloth diaper this way.

  5. Come read my reasons for doing this challenge and comment on my post! http://finamoon.blogspot.com/2011/04/flats-and-handwashing-challenge.html

    I'd love to hear your thoughts and look forward to the giveaway on your blog!


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Tim, Allyson and kids