Good Reads ~ April 16th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: I know our kiddos would love this Easter Fun Sensory Bin from Carisa @ 1+1+1=1.

:: I definitely needed this reminder from Rachel. How Then Can We Change @ No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane

:: This Celebration Balloon Wreath is definitely getting saved in my Evernote account. I can see this being made for our next birthday celebration. The best part is that it will store easily to be used for other celebrations, too!
Linked to Simply Staci's Saturday Stumbles.
Come across any good reads this week? Leave a link, I'd love to read them, too.

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1 comment:

  1. I stumbled that same balloon wreath from a different site. SUCH a cute idea!! Thanks for linking up!


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Tim, Allyson and kids