Menu Plan Monday ~ April 4th

The past two weeks have been a little crazy as far as menu planning goes. 

First, our family was in spring break mode, Tim was out of town for three days and my sister stayed with us while the dorms were shut down.

Then last week my parents visited for four wonderful days. The day they left Eliya and Emahry came down with fevers that we've been battling all weekend. Today Eliya seems to be feeling better, but now Emahry is complaining about her ear hurting.

Boy, are we ready to get back into our "normal" routine!

Meals will definitely be simple this week in order for me to keep my sanity.

Leftover grilled meat from yesterday (chicken & brats) 
Baby carrots

Tossed salad

Fried Rice ~ using left over rice, grilled pork chop and ham from pizza rolls
Tossed Salad

Leftovers (or pasta)
Tossed Salad

*Potato-Topped Mini Meatloaves (adapting this recipe using homemade stuffing mix and gravy)
Tossed Salad

breakfast for dinner
Cut fruit

(turns out Tim's off this Sunday)
Tim's grilling ???

* Denotes new recipes to be reviewed at the beginning of next weeks Menu Plan Monday post.

Sharing alongside hundreds of other meal plans at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

What are you cooking this week? I'd love some new recipe links!
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Tim, Allyson and kids