Tri-Moms: A New Mom Blogging Group

Tri-Moms is a new mom blogging group made up of Kristin from Bits & Pieces from My Life, Suzanne from The Joyful Chaos and Kathi from A Heart Like Water. Between the three of them they have 17 kids!  

Each first and third Tuesday of the month the Tri-Moms will cover a topic they know well. They'd love for you to join in as well. This week they are starting with introductions. Here's the upcoming schedule.

Up next: Tri-Moms talk Cheap and Quick Recipes
April 19
Linky Hostess: Suzanne

Coming Soon:
May 3: Baby Weight Loss
May 17: Coping With (Hubby) Working Long Days
June 7: Bulk Shopping
June 21: Routine 

If you're new to A Heart for Home, let me introduce our family.

My husband Tim and I have been married for 6 years -- sometimes wonderful, sometimes hard, but thankfully always helping us grow in grace. We have three beautiful and energetic children so far with a fourth blessing due in August. When the baby is born our oldest will be 4 years and 3 months old, so we'll have four children under the age of five -- 3 girls and 1 boy. 

I've had three natural childbirths (you can read Emahry's & Jonathan's). I've been nursing for almost four years straight! I really enjoy cloth diapering. I enjoy reviewing new products and hosting giveaways. I love to bake. I rarely shower without someone in the bathroom with me. I thoroughly enjoy nap time. I love seeing our children learn to help around the house (the two oldest argue over who gets to clean the toilet). Sometimes I completely loose my temper. I love teaching our children and I'm looking forward to "officially" homeschooling. I love waking up to a clean home. I set out everyday to make sure my heart belongs to Jesus. I fail over and over. Thank God for grace!

My husband, Tim is a full-time student and also works hard to provide for our family so I can be home with the kiddos. (Thanks, Love!) He is extremely high energy (thanks for passing that on to all of our kids). Tim is one of those people that everyone knows. He is also gifted in discernment and giving counsel and can often be found helping others through various issues in their lives. Tim is a wonderful husband and daddy and leads our family closer to God. I'm blessed to always know he only wants God's best for our family and that he'll do the right thing.
Would you like to join in the Tri-Moms introductions? Head over to Kristin's blog to link your own introduction.

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Thanks for visiting and we hope you'll be back often! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1. Thanks for linking up, Allyson!

  2. Thanks for joining us! And I look forward to getting to know you better as we go!!


Thank you so much for stopping by! We love hearing from you and enjoy reading each comment.

I love replying to comments, so please consider showing your email address in your Blogger profile so I can respond. Thanks!

Tim, Allyson and kids