Amazon Deal: Preschool and Grade School Workbooks for as low as $1.05 each Shipped

Preschool Basics

Amazon has several Preschool and Grade School level workbooks for as low as $1.40 each right now. These workbooks are part of a 4 for 3 promotion making them only $1.05 each when you order 4. 

Shipping is free with an Amazon Mom account. (For more information on how to join Amazon Mom read Crystal's post here at Money Saving Mom.)

Here's a list of the $1.40 workbooks that are part of the 4 for 3 Promotion. Simply click each image to be directed to the Amazon listing.

Once you have added 4 of these titles to your cart click Proceed to Checkout. On the right hand side under your Order Summary you will see where the 4 for 3 promotion has subtracted $1.40 from your total.

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Tim, Allyson and kids