Endless Gifts


# 333. Helping Jonathan pull up his undies when he stretches up to kiss my face.

# 334. A rare photo of me with all three (four including the belly) kids.

# 335. Being Oh. So. Proud. of my graduating husband.

# 336. The kids' excitement at graduation and Emahry's "I Love You, Daddy" as he crossed the stage.

# 337. Celebrating four years of being blessed with our oldest daughter.

# 338. Enjoying a visit from far-away Grand-daddy and Maw.

# 339. Eliya's favorite new skill...climbing (onto and into everything).

# 340. These three little ones in our rear view mirror...and enough seats for two more.

# 341. A wonderful wedding for my little brother and new sister-in-law.

#  342. The beautiful flower girl and ring bearer that we're happy to call our own.

# 343. Our twirly girl.

# 344. My Dad and his brother together (and both smiling in the same photo).

# 345. My Mom with her girls.

# 346. A wonderful (even if busy) visit with family.

# 347. Being back home and easing back into our routines.

What are you thankful for today?

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday
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  1. What a wonderful week of gifts! Congrats to your husband... what an accomplishment!

  2. The picture of #339 is awesome!

  3. What a lovely list and sweet pictures. Congrats to your husband on # 335. Loving # 336 by the way.

  4. I'm not going to lie. I found you here because of the flat giveaways. :) BUT to find a fellow gift-counter in the wide world of cloth? You are number 576!

  5. What wonderful pictures. You are a beautiful daughter. Thank you for being so intentional as you raise up our precious grandchildren.


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Tim, Allyson and kids