Menu Plan Monday ~ May 2nd

Review of Last Week's New Recipes:

Our family really enjoys this German Apple Pancake recipe so I thought I'd try it last week using kefir to replace the milk for some added health benefits.

The recipe turned out perfect, although as usual I did double the number of apples called for.

Also, I would never try to fix this recipe to feed 6-8 people as the recipe calls for. Our family of five, three of whom are under four can easily put the whole thing away with no leftovers. I have increased the recipe to 1 1/2 times and used my larger 12 inch skillet to feed approximately 6 adults.

This Week's Menu

Tim's working, so it's just the kids and me.

possibly having some friends over
Homemade Cheese Pizza for the kids~ using Tammy's delicious thin crust recipe
Grilled Chicken and Brown Rice for the adults
Tossed salad

Grilled Chicken Salad

We have family visiting this weekend for Tim's graduation so we'll be preparing a lot of meals with little prep time so we can enjoy spending lots of time with the grandparents and not in the kitchen :)

Taco Salad

Pasta with Red Sauce
Tossed Salad

Tim's grilling night
Not sure what he's making yet.

Mother's Day Lunch at Church
Crock Pot Sloppy Joes
Tossed Salad
*Peanut Butter Pie (x3)
 (For the crust I'll use peanut butter cookies instead of chocolate (my husband and kids don't eat chocolate) for the crust and skip the sugar. I'll also make it a little healthier by using all natural ingredients and replacing the white sugar with powdered turbinado. I'll also reduce the sugar and skip the butter in the filling. I'll be playing around with this recipe quite a bit and hope to have a great healthier peanut butter pie recipe for you next week.)

* Denotes new recipes to be reviewed at the beginning of next week's Menu Plan Monday post.

Sharing alongside hundreds of other meal plans at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

What are you cooking this week? I'd love some new recipe links!
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  1. I love homemade pizza nights! The kids get into making it and I enjoy the time spent together in the kitchen!

  2. Your week sounds like how mine will be next week! I'm graduating on the 13th and my mom is graduating on the 14th so it's going to be crazy in our house!


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Tim, Allyson and kids