Good Reads ~ July 9th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: I love Jessica's insight in her guest post at Simple Mom on How to be a Professional Mom

:: We tried this Easy Homemade Ice Cream without an Ice Cream Maker this past week and LOVED it! Tim and I just finished the last of the Cinnamon Bun Ice cream last night (and we've already tasted some Blueberry Pie Ice cream this morning).

:: I also found a natural recipe for Sweetened Condensed Milk that we'll use next time to make the homemade ice cream a little healthier. (See what else has been pinned to my Recipes to Try Pinterest Board.)

:: I also enjoyed Jon Acuff's guest post on Money Saving Mom. While he specifically addressed Breaking Writer's Block I found that his ideas could be applied to many different situations. My favorite quote: “Later, I’ll be awesome. Today, I’m just going to be productive.”

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Tim, Allyson and kids