Real Life

Today Tim didn't have to leave for work until 10:30AM. 

I'd love to say we spent some great quality family time together...reading books...playing games with the kids...going for a walk. 

But instead Tim made breakfast, played with the kids and read stories while I folded and put away the three loads of laundry that had been piled in our bedroom all weekend. Then I washed, dried, folded and put away four more loads! 

Wow, was I behind on laundry!

I'm now happy to say that the hamper is empty and our closets and dressers are full...for now.

Note to self: The kids have way too many clothes!

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  1. Sometimes I wish for the good 'ol pioneer days where the women had two weekday dresses and one Sunday dress. But then I guess they didn't have washing machines back then either ;)

    follow back?

  2. There is a good thing about having lots of clothes...if you don't want to do laundry, you don't have to and everyone can still have clothes to wear!

    My kids have lots of clothes but my husband and I only have about 3 days worth before I have to wash. When I was sick last week, my husband ran out of clothes since I wasn't doing laundry, but my kids still had plenty of stuff to wear!


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Tim, Allyson and kids