Good Reads ~ October 15th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: Again, I've been reading a handful of the 31 Days Series. Here are some of my favorite.

:: Your list may seem too long, but simply Do the Next Thing.

:: Battling Discontent with Thankfulness...why is this so hard sometimes?

Some of This Week's Favorite Pins:
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:: can't wait to make these muffins:
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:: also looking forward to trying this tip on pizza night:
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:: I also love this idea for fine motor practice...practicing letters is an added bonus.
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linked to Simply Staci's Saturday Stumbles 
Have you come across any good reads this week? We'd love for you to leave a link in our comments section.
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  1. Those Appple Fritter Muffins look yummy!!

  2. I read in Cooks Illustrated that the best way to mimic a pizza oven is to put one of the racks as close to the top of the oven as possible and put your pizza stone on that rack. I think it would do the same thing as the photo you posted but with one stone instead of needing two.

  3. Do the next thing...sometimes much easier said than done. Thanks for the reminder, though!


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Tim, Allyson and kids