Endless Gifts

# 364. An "I love you." from the baby.

#365. New Christmas ornaments for each member of our family.

#366. Time with extended family.

#367. Cousins making cookies.

#368. A look back in time with a newspaper from the day after President Kennedy was assassinated.

#369. Our twirly girl.

#370. Little girls in pink nightgowns.

#371. A Christmas morning photo in our huge vacation bed.

#372. Too much vacation.

#373. Being able to hold my sick Amelia close and still get housework finished.

#374. New games to play.

#375. New books to read.

What are you thankful for today? 

holy experience

Will Also be Contributed To: Gratituesday, intentional gratitude Works for Me!, Things I Love Thursday, Finer Things Friday

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  1. Grateful for my children. A friend lost one of theirs to suicide yesterday. Makes me want to live in the moment even more!

  2. Beautiful photos to a beautiful list!
    #372 made me smile!

  3. Too much holiday! Totally precious pictures - all of them. I miss the days when all the boys dog-piled in our bed in the a.m.! Missing little! Wishing you joy and blessing in the New Year - twirling, baking and family!!!

  4. What a precious post complete with photographs! I especially love the first one of Amelia. Counting 1000 Gifts along with you today......have a wonderful day with your sweet family and take time to savor each and every minute!


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Tim, Allyson and kids