Goals for 2012

This year I will:

1. Grow in my relationship with the Lord
2. Focus on nurturing a loving relationship with my husband.
3. Continue to grow as a mom and homeschool mom.
4. Challenge myself to become a better woman and homemaker.
5. Be a good steward of our finances.
6. Find ways to minister to those around me.
7. Grow our blog and enjoy it. 
Goals for 2012
Now this may seem like a lot, but many of these are things I'm already doing that I simply want to continue and the things that are new will not all be attempted at once.
Grow in my relationship with the Lord.
spend time in God's word daily (After reading Kristin's suggestion, I'll be reading through one chapter of the New Testament each day.)
- choose and commit 12 passages to memory (one each month)
- pray specifically for my husband and each of our children daily
- work through at least two topical Bible studies within a Ladies Bible Study group (here's the first)
- partner with Tim in strengthening a small group within our local body

Nurturing a loving relationship with my husband
focus on the things that are important to him
find ways to encourage him (tidy house, notes, spoken words)
- find ways I can make his life easier (let him sleep in, pack his lunches, having all of the chores finished before he gets home) 
- make meaningful conversations a priority
- plan at least one date night each month
Continue to grow as a mom and homeschooler
focus on lovingly training our children to obey with happy hearts
- be more consistent with our daily Bible time right after breakfast
memorize Psalm 23 together (mainly Emahry, 4 1/2 years old)
- continue to encourage books, art, music, physical activity, and creative play over media
- continue to train the kids to participate in cleaning and other chores
- assign each child (other than the baby) specific daily chores
- finish preschool with Emahry and begin Kindergarten
- begin preschool with Jonathan
- continue to plan out our workboxes 2 weeks in advance 
- choose and finish at least 6 (chapter book) read-alouds

Challenge myself to become a better woman and homemaker
get dressed first thing in the morning
- organize our home (continue to purge and simplify our possessions)
- get back on track with The 30 Day Shred
- stick to a weekly cleaning schedule
- make our town house homey (tidy, comfortable, and inviting)
- move from weekly menu planning to planning for two weeks at a time
- take at least 20 photos each week (not necessarily of the kids, but I wasn't sure where this fit best)
- get back on track with my 10 year journal
Be a good steward of our finances  
continue to stick to a bare bones grocery budget
- help Tim plan our 2012 garden (and make time to help him occasionally, too)
- continue to use Swagbucks to earn Amazon gift cards for household purchases
find creative ways to stretch our monthly date money to get more bang for our buck
- plan and make gifts for next Christmas
- look for ways to repurpose items we already own or ones we can get for very inexpensively
- preserve as much produce as the garden will allow
Find ways to minister to those around me
- practice hospitality (it's so easy for me to make excuses because our home is very small and not really ideal for visitors)
- bake a small loaf of bread for an elderly friend at least once a month
- send Tim's Grandma at least one card each month
- send a card from the kids to one set of grandparents (plus a great uncle & aunt) each month (they'll each get three throughout the year)

Grow our blog and enjoy it
- plan blog posts at least a month in advance
- write and schedule posts at least a week in advance
- begin the process of migrating to a self-hosted WordPress blog with our own domain (eek!)
choose and write at least three blog series
- finish the rest of the letter printable packs and offer them through our blog
- get back on track and stick to a weekly blogging plan (more on that soon)
- look for ways to let our blog help us meet our financial goals
What are your goals for 2012? If you've blogged about your goals, please leave a link in your comment.
Visit Money Saving Mom for more goal setting encouragement.
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  1. Awesome goals!!! I love how you outlined specifics about each goal :)

    I put my goals on one of my blog entries here...http://becauseofhim85.wordpress.com/2012/01/01/happy-new-years/


  2. Like the previous person posted, I love how you put how you plan to reach your big goals. I too, made a plan with each of my goals. Have a wonderful 2012.


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Tim, Allyson and kids