Finished Friday: Baby Leg Warmers {come and link up your finished projects, too!}

This week I finally got around to making a few more sets of leg warmers for Amelia. I love baby leg warmers! They are really great for around the house and make diaper changes so much easier.
I had to snag a picture of these ones, even though Amelia was sleeping. Thankfully, she’s a pretty sound sleeper! The leg warmers say, “HUG ME.”
diy baby leg warmers
I made two pairs of baby leg warmers out of women’s knee high socks. The third pair are more of ankle warmers. They were a pair of Christmas socks that Emahry wore until both heels had holes (she LOVED them). They work great to cover the gap between the top of Amelia’s socks and the bottom of her pants when she’s held or carried in the Ergo.

homemade baby leg warmers
In total, all three pairs of leg warmers cost under $4. Much less than baby leg warmers I could buy in a store or online. Want to know another reason why I love this project? I finished all three pairs, start to finish, in under 30 minutes!
Today's Questions: What is your favorite quick project?
I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed.
Would you like to join in? Link up to your own projects below.

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2. Let us know what project you are sharing in your title, for example: Spring Wreath
3. We'd love it if your post links back here so that your readers can come join the fun. Feel free to copy & paste our Finished Friday Button into your post. (Just copy the text in the box below the button, click on the "Edit HTML" tab for your post and paste it there.)
A Heart for Home

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  1. loving those, I wish I new how to make them, I need those for Jayda, I have seen babies with them on when they were in the baby wrap, really cute.

  2. Pamela,
    Maybe I can get a quick tutorial together or at least post some links to help you. Do you have a sewing machine (and know how to use it)?

  3. Thanks Allyson, Sewing machine is on my wish list, but I do use my friends from time to time. So if you could do the tutorial I should be able to follow Thanks so much.


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Tim, Allyson and kids