Blueberries Galore!

Right off the bat, I'll tell you that our family goes through a lot of blueberries. And when I say "a lot" I mean that we buy 3 pounds of blueberries every other week. (We add blueberries to our green smoothies every morning as part of our super simple meal plan.)

But after an enjoyable morning of picking blueberries (and supporting a local farmer who uses organic methods of growing) we'll definitely be able to cut down on our blueberries purchases for a few months.

In case you've ever wondered, this is what 26 pounds of blueberries looks like in our tiny kitchen.

We also saved quite a bit of money to boot. A 3 pound bag of regular (non-organic) blueberries costs $11.90 and the grocery store, but we were able to get the same amount (locally & organically grown) for only $5.37! This is about the same as buying 1 pound of organic blueberries at the grocery store.

If we're able to pick enough blueberries for the entire year (about 78 pounds) we'll be able to save about $150 even with a cushion of almost $20 extra to purchase freezer bags.

Now to bag up all the blueberries and fill our freezer.

Today's Question: Do you stock up on local fruits and vegetables by picking your own?

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  1. They look wonderful! What a great savings. I hope to start a tradition next year with my daughter who will be three to pick our own strawberries etc at a local farm. megan

  2. I saw this and had to post.. you should definitely grow your own!!! My parents have over 10 bushes and we're going to add some in too soon. They aren't hard to grow, although they like a few extra things added into their soil (pine needles, egg shells, etc). When my daughter was less than 2, we taught her to pick the ripe ones. She's been addicted ever since. In fact, they just gave me a baggy full at dinner tonight! He does all organic too, which is definitely the way to go!!!!!

  3. @Megan Sloan, We definitely want to plant our own, but since we don't own land yet and blueberries take a few years to start producing it isn't practical right now. I can't wait to be able to pick from our own bushes!


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Tim, Allyson and kids