Free Kids Look & Learn Chicken eBook

Two weeks ago we started an adventure of raising chickens. For a few years we've been trying to figure out how to squeeze the cost of organic, pasture raised chicken and eggs into our grocery budget. Finally, we realized that we can only afford those items by thinking outside of the box.

Two Fridays ago Tim went and picked up our chicks. Our first night was a little rough and we ended up with  over 40 chicks (including almost thirty 5 week olds) spending the night in our townhouse!

Thankfully, those camping out in our living room are now limited to the 10 actual babies we have in boxes behind our couch.

I'm sure we'll be sharing more as we venture along on our chicken raising journey, but I just came across this free Chicken ebook download from Amazon and wanted to share it with all of you.

I'm sure we'll all learn a thing or two from this free ebook.

The price of this ebook is currently $0.00, but that can change at any time. Make sure you double check the price before checking out.

This ebook is sold for Kindles, but you can easily download this free application that enables you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC. This is how I read all ebooks, and it works really well.

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Tim, Allyson and kids