Alphabet Art Book {Free Printables}

A few months ago, I came across the idea of an Alphabet Art Book on KidsCount1234. I thought this idea would be perfect for my preschooler (and pre-preschooler) this year.

The idea behind this Alphabet Art Book is to practice the alphabet in a fun and creative way. I decided that making a collection of letter inspired art projects would be a great addition to our relaxed preschool approach.

Since, we've just officially started school today (first day pictures coming soon), our Alphabet Art Books are still blank, but I thought it would be best to share them now since most people have already started school.

We have all the individual files ready as free downloads through Google Docs. Just click on the letter you want to print at the end of this post. Be sure to download the activity description page here.

We also have the full set available for purchase through Teachers Pay Teachers for only $1.25. This one file download also comes with all 26 letter pages, the activity descriptions page, and as a bonus, a full supply list for all 26 Alphabet Art Book pages.

Several of the activities have various ways they can be competed, some being messier (aka glitter and paint) than others.

Jonathan and Eliya will be making apple prints this week.

Next week, I'll be breaking into my stash of Band-aids for letter B (they'll LOVE that one).

Download the files by clicking on the letters below. Don't forget to to download the activity description page. Or purchase and download all of the files in one handy bundle for $1.25.

Apple prints     
Car Tracks     






We're sharing at these parties & at this Freebie Linky Party.

Today's Question: Do your children like to make crafts? What are their favorite mediums? (Our kids love paint!)

Be sure to click the link in the first email to activate your subscription.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I love this idea! We're doing a book of ABC prints (handprints, fingerprints, footprints, etc.) this year. I'm also planning to do paper roll crafts, but needed a 3rd idea for our other school day :-)

  3. What a fun way to learn the alphabet! Thank you!

  4. Great post! My kids love anything hands-on and messy.

  5. Yes, my kids like to make crafts, but Mommy doesn't care for the giant mess that usually is forth coming. Therefore most of what my kids can easily access is paper/crayons/glue sticks/tape/scissors. Apparently they find it fun, but I haven't really figured out yet what they intend to do with it. It usually looks like someone had a giant confetti party all over the game room. The good thing is they don't need my "help" to clean it up, just guidance and reminders. They do have fun when we get out other mediums. I'm not sure what would be their favorites. Glitter is definitely a hit (we use glitter glue to reduce the glitter all over the house factor).

  6. An amazing resource. We will definitely be trying some of these at my preschool. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!

  7. Love this! My kids love crafts, drawing, painting, gluing, whatever they can get their hands on :)

    thanks so much for linking up with
    always love your kid/family friendly ideas!



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Tim, Allyson and kids