Quick, Easy, and Healthy Homemade Mayonnaise with a Hand Blender {Finished Friday #54} come and link up your projects, too!

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Mayonnaise is one of the items that has been difficult for me to buy for quite some time. Either I wasn't pleased with the ingredients or the price was way out of our budget. Thankfully, now I don't have to worry about whether I can afford mayo I feel good serving my family!

Several months ago I stumbled upon making mayo in the blender. While it tasted great, it was also a little time consuming. So I was very excited when I discovered that you can use a hand blender to make mayo quickly and easily.

It just so happens that my parents bought us an immersion hand blender for Christmas and we have been using it a lot. In fact, there haven't been many weeks when we haven't pulled it out for one reason or another.

One of my favorite uses for our hand blender is making healthy and extremely easy homemade mayo. Did you know that was even possibly?

Now I've been making fresh, healthy mayo every week, mostly to use in some of our favorite creamy salad dressing which we'll be sharing soon.

Quick, Easy, & Healthy Homemade Mayonnaise

1 whole egg, room temperature*
1 egg yolk, room temperature*
1 Tablespoon white vinegar
1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons sugar (we use powdered sucanat)
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice (lime juice works as well)
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
2/3 cup olive oil** (light tasting olive oil makes a milder mayo, EVOO will make the may taste like olive oil)
1/3 cup coconut oil**, melted (extra virgin coconut oil adds a sweetness and coconut flavor, expeller pressed or refined coconut oil is flavorless)

*You can bring eggs to room temperature more quickly by submerging them (still in the shell) in warm water for 5-10 minutes until they no longer feel chilled to the touch. Room temperature eggs emulsify better than cold eggs. You can also use 2 egg yolks for a richer mayo.

**You can adjust the olive oil to coconut oil ratio, just remember that coconut oil solidifies at lower temperatures so your mayo might get hard in the fridge.

1. Place whole egg and egg yolk at the bottom of the container that came with the hand blender, or another container of similar size. We typically use a wide mouth canning jar.

2. Add the remaining ingredients except for the oils.

3. Place the immersion blender (still off) into the container and press it against the bottom so that it covers the egg yolks.

4. Pour the oils into the container.

5. Pulse the hand blender slowly until you see the mixture turn lighter. Then move the blender up and down (staying under the surface) a few times until you have a rich, creamy mayonnaise.

Check our video here. Sorry it's sideways :)

Yield: approximately 1 1/4 cups

If your mayonnaise is more like mayo soup, doesn't thicken, and begins to separate that means it did not emulsify. Never fear, you can still fix it! Pour your mayo soup into another container and place a room temperature egg yolk into the blending container. Now cover the egg yolk with the (still off) immersion blender and pour the "mayo soup" into the container. Pulse slowly until you see the mayo turn lighter, move the hand blender up slowly and you should feel the mayo getting thicker. Move the blender up and down until all of the ingredients have been incorporated.

This mayonnaise will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for about 2 weeks.

This recipe can also be used to make lacto-fermented mayo which is even more nutritious and will last at least twice as long in the fridge. Simply stir 1 Tbsp of whey into the finished mayo. Cover the container with a cloth and leave it on the counter for 6-7 hours. Then place it in an airtight container in the fridge.

Making homemade mayonnaise is a great recipe in which to involve your kids. All of our kids love adding ingredients to the jar and our five year old can even do a little of the blending herself. 

We'll be sharing some of our favorite homemade salad dressings made with this mayo soon. Subscribe to our free updates so you don't miss them.

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you'll want to check out this amazing resource from Mandi, founder of Life Your Way.

Today's Question: How do you use mayonnaise in your home? What recipe would you like for us to try with this homemade mayo?

Okay, now on to the link-up...
I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed.
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A Heart for Home

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  1. My grandma always used to make it this way. So much better!!

  2. I love the tip to dip eggs in warm water to bring them to room temperature. I will have to remember that. One of these days I am going to try making my own mayo. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

  3. Thanks for hosting! I didn't have a project of my own this week, but I linked up an awesome (and addictive) way I found to make your own "Keep Calm..." posters! (And it also includes the history of the original "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster, so you can call it educational, too) ;) Thanks again!

  4. Neat! We don't use that much mayo but for the things we do use it for this would be nice.

    I liked to the post I did this week on homemade sugar scrubs.

  5. I remember making mayonnaise when I was a child. It was fascinating to throw all those weird (that's what I thought then!) ingredients into the mixer and watch it turn into mayonnaise. It tasted pretty good, too. May have to try this with my children. . . . (A while back, you left a comment on my blog that your link-up was for general posts also. That's what I did, and I hope that's okay. Didn't get a project finished this week.)

  6. Since we use very little mayo in our home I just stick with Hellman's Original. I like it's flavor better than any others I've had. One of the small jars usually lasts at least a month or two. Homemade would spoil before we used it.

  7. ooo i forgot someone told me you can do it this way - i've been wanting to make mayo for awhile but have been too scared - i heard that if you dont go slow enough using a regular blender you will ruin it! i have an immersion blender and this looks so easy! thanks for sharing - i'm pinning it :-)

  8. I never even thought about making my own mayo! Interesting.... I love making everything from scratch so I just may have to try this! Thanks for linking up to TGIF! Have a great weekend,
    Beth =-)

  9. I've used the same recipe for ages! Sometimes I add fresh herbs for different flavors too. I've never been able to get it to emulsify with just the egg yolks. Did you try it? You can also use a little juice from a vegetable ferment (such as sauerkraut) if you can't have whey like me. I've also made it with avocado oil for a light tasting mayo that doesn't get too hard in the fridge.

  10. I am a mayo freak - I love the stuff. However, like you, I cannot buy store bought - just too much junk and I hate not knowing where the eggs come from! This just reminds me that once again, I NEED to get an immersion blender!! :) Great tip on the lacto-fermented mayo, too.

  11. I was a little scared of making my own mayo, but your tutorial really makes it sound easy. Thanks for sharing at Mom's Library!


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Tim, Allyson and kids