Amelia's One Month Photos

I love, my cousin, Sarah's monthly photos of her son Peter.

I'm going to try to stay on the ball and do a monthly photo of Amelia until she turns one. I decided to choose a 12 month onesie so she can wear the same clothes in every photo. Here are two I took today. I can't decide which I like better. 

What do you think, should we stick with the plain background or the colorful baby quilt?

(I'm thinking I should turn her to face the window since this one seems to have a shadow on her face. I may try for that tomorrow.)
Also, any tips for photographing a baby indoors with only a point and shoot camera? Flash, no flash?
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  1. Try to get the natural light coming through the window on the area you are trying to take the picture and use no flash.

    I like the one on the quilt, but they are both cute pictures.

  2. Sorry I'm so behind on reading! I love the quilt background!! Natural light is definitely the best if you can get a good spot (and using the quilt will help since you can take it anywhere). The spot I chose is in a room with only a skylight so we're really struggling with the lighting now that it's fall. I bring in a bunch of lamps and plug them all in. I kind of which I had used something like a quilt. If we have to move then we'll lose our spot...


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Tim, Allyson and kids