Finished Friday: Soaked Whole Wheat Tortillas

I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed. For the most part these projects aren't part of my daily or weekly household chores, although some weeks finishing those items is a challenge all in its own.
We've been eating whole wheat tortillas for lunch every day for a couple of years now. It may sound boring (and it is sometimes) but we have the same exact lunch every. single. day. It sure does make meal planning and preparing a lot easier, though.

Our lunch consists of whole wheat wraps or tortillas rolled up around peanut butter and half a banana (sliced lengthwise). We also have an assortment of raw veggies and the occasional fruit.

Since we've been eating like this for so long, our kids don't know any different and never really complain. However, since we moved I've been looking for healthy (real ingredient) whole wheat tortillas and I haven't been able to find any. Finding whole wheat really isn't a problem, but all of the ingredient lists have been at least 15 items long and contain words I can't pronounce, not really that good if you're trying to eat a real food diet.

So, I started searching for a whole wheat tortilla recipe and I'm so glad we decided to try making our own. We used the recipe for Soaked Whole Wheat Tortillas from Stephanie at Keeper of the Home. Not only are they healthier (only 5 ingredients...and I can pronounce all of them) but they are also much less expensive than the less healthy store varieties. Even if we were able to find real food tortillas, this recipe would be a more frugal option.

Yes, our kitchen has so little counter space that we mixed our dough while sitting on the floor :)
Our happy helper
Our tortilla press was a gift, but Amazon has similar ones (listed below)
Bubbling up nicely
Not exactly pretty, but very tasty
Stored in a reused store tortilla bag
What things have you crossed off of your list recently?
linking up to Frugal Friday

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Tim, Allyson and kids