Good Reads ~ September 17th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: We can completely relate to Stephanie's post, When Your House Is Like a Clown Car.

:: Ann's words always touch my heart. The Bravest & Most Beautiful Affair is no exception.

:: I'm also studying these 15 Tips for Buying Organic Real Food on a Budget as we no longer have the option of shopping at a healthy supermarket since we've moved.

Some of This Week's Favorite Pins:

:: This saying:

:: This paint bag idea for writing practice:
photo credit
Linking up to Simply Staci's Saturday Stumbles
Have you come across any good reads this week? We'd love for you to leave a link in our comments section.
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  1. Ooh, the drawing list looks fun! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Love the quote about kindness! :) Such a good reminder! I think I need to post it in my house for my 5 kiddos (and myself!!!)!
    As for good reads . . .
    I'm reading a book called "How to be yourself in a world that's different" by Yuko Yoshida. It's an "asperger's syndrome study guide for adolescents". My oldest has AS - and this book is such an encouraging book! Instead of listing all the problems and issues that AS kids/people have (ie - what's "wrong" with them) - she starts out by saying (in the very 1st sentence) - "If you have Asperger Syndrome (AS), it means you have the tupe of brain that lets you get very tenthusiastic about and deeply abosrbed in things that interest you, and it means you have a wonderful kind of uniqueness." Isn't that awesome?! :) I love it! My son has always said he likes having AS, because it gives him advantages and different ways of looking at things than other people. And it really does. :)
    Anyways . . . that's my good read for now!

    Lori :)


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Tim, Allyson and kids