Jeremy Riddle's Furious CD {Review & Giveaway}

Vineyard Worship artist and worship leader Jeremy Riddle has announced the release of his new studio album entitled Furious.  The album will be released this Tuesday, September 20 via NewDay Distribution. 

We almost passed on the opportunity we were given to review this new CD. Mostly because we didn't recognize the artist's name. I'm so thankful I took the time to listen to a few clips of his music. After listening to just two songs I knew we'd love the new CD.

Jeremy describes Furious saying, “It’s hard to come up with words that depict the magnitude of Christ’s love – the depth and width of it. Furious doesn’t work outside of the context of love; we tend to translate the word as angry, but I see it as a super-powerful force; stronger, deeper, broader than our vocabulary can fully describe."

Jeremy Riddle is a former Junior High youth minister and touring worship leader who is now serving as worship community pastor at Bethel Church in Redding, California. 

“My wife (Katie) and I have always had a heart to serve the local church and never wanted to do the full-time travel thing for very long, so it felt like a good time to transition into something different,” Jeremy says. “I’ve developed such an appreciation for the fruit that has been sowed from my life – personally and artistically – by being part of a local community.”

Tim and I have really enjoyed Jeremy Riddle's CD Furious. Jeremy's musical talent is clear but his songs also have the wonderful ability to help us contemplate the scope of God's goodness and prepare our hearts to worship God through our daily life tasks.

Connect: Follow along with Vineyard Music on Facebook and Twitter. Like Vineyard Music on Facebook to download 3 FREE songs from his Live Prepare the Way album.

Win It: We would like to offer one of you your very own copy of Jeremy Riddle's newest CD.

To Enter This Giveaway:

1. Preview Jeremy's newest CD, Furious, then come back and tell us which song you think you'd like the most.

Make sure you leave an email address with each entry if it is not posted in your profile. (If we don't have your email address we will have to choose a new winner.)

For additional entries you may do any (or all) of the following. Please leave a separate comment for each entry. If you complete one of the following that is worth more than one entry, please leave the corresponding number of comments so your extra entries will be counted!

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5. Tweet about this giveaway ~ leave the URL to your tweet & include @heart4home & #Giveaway. (1 entry) Feel free to use this tweet: #Win Jeremy Riddle's latest CD, Furious @heart4home #giveaways Ends 9/26

The giveaway will end Monday, September 26th at 11:59pm EST. We will pick the winner through

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  1. Oh my goodness...I love Jeremy Riddle! My current favorite song by him is "Sweetly Broken" but I think "Glory to the Lamb" might be my fav on the list from the new CD. Who knows, though...they all sound SO good! I'm excited that he released another CD!

  2. I subscribed to receive email updates!

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  5. sorry...I read the specifics of how to comment after I went crazy with my comments! I should have my original entry plus (5) additional. :)

  6. This is fantastic. I love 'Fall Afresh'.

  7. I am subscribed through e-mail

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  9. I tweeted as @mumoffunkids!/mumoffunkids/status/115773552862572545

  10. I think I'd love the LOVE CAME DOWN song

    szogediek at yahoo dot com

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    szogediek at yahoo dot com

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    szogediek at yahoo dot com


  13. I follow your blog via gfc

    szogediek at yahoo dot com

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    ID: @szogediek

    szogediek at yahoo dot com

  15. I like the Lord Is my Shepherd. Susan

  16. I subscribe via e-mail. Susan

  17. I like "Fall Afresh."

    Laurasu82 at

  18. I love the song fall afresh from what I've heard but one thirst sounds beautiful too, what an amazing cd!

  19. I follow this blog via GFC

  20. I *love* the song Furious!

    The Riddle family are friends of ours so it was pretty funny to find this review on one of many many homeschool blogs I read.

    I'm a new reader & have loved your birth stories & tri-moms posts. I found you through the Bits & Pieces of my Life blog. :)

    email: henhenmom (at) gmail (dot com)

  21. I think that I would like a lot of these songs. But I think my favorite would be Love Came Down.
    I love Vineyard music. Thank you so much for all the Christian giveaways.

    Kimmie Barnes
    jakeremom--twitter and GFC

  22. I subscribe to your emails

    Kimmie Barnes
    jakeremom--twitter and GFC

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    Kimmie Barnes
    jakeremom--twitter and GFC

  24. I follow you via GFC

    Kimmie Barnes
    jakeremom--twitter and GFC

  25. I tweeted about this giveaway!/jakeremom/status/116943933208150016

    Kimmie Barnes
    jakeremom--twitter and GFC

  26. Thank you for pointing me in this direction! Jeremy has a beautiful voice and a love for our Lord that is evident in his music! My favorite has to be GLORY TO THE LAMB, but FURIOUS is a very close 2nd!

  27. I receive your emails (have for awhile).


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Tim, Allyson and kids