Finished Friday: DIY Pine Cone Door Decor

I'm trying to hold myself accountable to finish some of the projects on my to do list by posting each Friday about a project I've completed. For the most part these projects aren't part of my daily or weekly household chores, although some weeks finishing those items is a challenge all in its own.
When I pinned this pine cones and ribbons decoration a couple of days ago I knew it would be a fun craft for the kids and I to do together.

On a walk through the park earlier this week we gathered fallen pine cones. Then yesterday afternoon we had some time to whip up our own version to spruce up our front door.

We rummaged through my ribbon box and found a spool of brown satin ribbon and well as a spool of orange, green, and purple argyle print gross grain ribbon.

We simply glued various lengths of ribbon to the top of the pine cones with a glue gun. Then we tied the top ends of the ribbons together into a knot.

I wanted to have small ribbon at the top of each pine cone with the ends hanging down, but my spool of ribbon wasn't long enough so I made simply bows that I then glued onto the brown ribbon at the top of each pine cone. I used the last of the ribbon spool to tie a bow at the top of the ribbons.

Cost Breakdown
pine cones = free
ribbon (from craft stash) = free
glue sticks for glue gun (from craft stash) = free

Total Cost = FREE
(That's my kind of craft project!)

Linking up to Frugal Friday.
What do you think of our new front door decoration? What things have you crossed off of your list recently?

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  1. I love it! You did a really great job! I think I'll make me one!

  2. These are beautiful!!! I love them! I bookmarked this to try myself.

  3. I think after we paint our front door this weekend, I should make one of these!!

  4. Ohhh, so cute! Might have to collect pinecones at grandma's this year!

  5. I love this! I'm definitely going to try and make one too. I got tired of our store bought wreath we had for 4 or 5 years and took in down recently so our door has been bare.


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Tim, Allyson and kids