Good Reads ~ October 29th

May all your wanderings be blessed!

:: The 31 Days Series are wrapping up. Here are some of my favorites.

:: I loved Kristin's post about Discipline and the Heart.

:: I also appreciated Sandy's thoughts on how Opening our Homes Means Risk.

:: Another favorite was Tsh's reflections on the quote, "The grass is always greener where you water it."

Some of This Week's Favorite Pins:
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:: I've made my own bias tape for years by feeding my bias strips under a sewing needle attached to my ironing board, but this looks easier and I'm sure I'll steam burn my fingers less.
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photo credit
:: I love this bookshelf doll house. How beautiful is that! I'm not sure if it's for books or to play with, but I'm thinking it might very well be on my DIY list once we're in a larger home.
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:: I'm also contemplating how large the shadow box would need to be in order to fund our dream trip to Italy. 

linked to Simply Staci's Saturday Stumbles 
Have you come across any good reads this week? We'd love for you to leave a link in our comments section.
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Tim, Allyson and kids